Friday, January 14, 2011

Simple Woman's Day Book

FOR TODAY - January 14, 2011

Outside my window... it's pitch black, but there's a strong wind blowing.  A warm wind, my husband tells me.  It went from -10C to above freezing.  Our glorious 8" of snow is now slush!  

I am thinking... of my baking list tomorrow.  I like to have a selection of cookies and treats available to my family all week, so tomorrow I'll be making raisin oatmeal cookies for Oliver, orange cranberry muffins for Tawny, chocolate chip cookies for Silas and cornflake squares for Scott.  I think we'll be eating the muffins fro breakfast!

I am thankful for... our current financial situation.  We're by no means wealthy, but the fact that I can buy Tawny glasses and make myself a dentist appointment is a big deal compared to where we sat this time last year!

From the kitchen... I made chicken masala for supper tonight, with couscous and asparagus.  A big hit all around.  The asparagus was a perk from work - I spend one day a week packing bins full of organic produce for delivery and 3 hours a week creating a monthly newspaper for our delivery clients.  In return, I get a weekly bin of leftover produce free of charge!  Really encourages me to eat healthy in order to use up all of our produce before it goes bad and the next week's box arrives!

I am wearing... knitted slippers.  I'm not sure why, as it's getting warmer and warmer in here as both the weather outside continues to warm and the stove downstairs continues to send warm air up here.  They did however, keep my socks dry while I was helping the littles get out of their snow gear!

I am creating... a calendar time board for Silas.  He's been so interested in calendars, love to cross days off, and is always asking me what's going to happen today, what day is it, what are we gonna do tomorrow, when is it my birthday etc.  So I'm putting together a board that will help answer those questions in a visual way so he can refer to it himself all day long.  So far, it's been a great success!

I am going... go snuggle with my hubby and finish watching a newly found copy of Empire Records.  This movie cracks me up and reminds me of highschool - the fashions, the slang, the music.  So great!

I am reading... The Happiness Project.  So interesting!  I identify with her so much and her musings, information and findings have inspired me to try a few of her resolutions.

I am hoping ...
 to take the boys to my mom's for a bit of sledding tomorrow after baking.  I hope there will be snow left!

I am hearing... Empire Records in the back ground and Scott laughing and chuckling in the background.  An oldie, but a goodie!

Around the house... cleaned out our dvds and vhs's.  I have a whole grocery bag of dusty and duplicate movies to donate to our library.  So smug when I can cart some stuff out - less to dust and organize!

One of my favorite things... juicy fruit gum sold in the plastic cans.  It satisfies my sweet cravings without the added sugar.  Perfect thing to get me through the evenings.

linked to all the other day book entries!

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